The session will introduce the potential of living labs to drive the green and digital transition as set out in the EU Action Plan: “Towards Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil”. It will also contribute to the flagship 7 initiative announced in the Action Plan to launch Living Labs for green digital solutions and smart zero pollution to engage with regional and local authorities and other stakeholders to help develop local actions for green and digital transformation as well as to foster citizens engagement towards zero pollution. Speakers will discuss the capabilities and lessons learnt by existing living labs and the expectations relating to the flagship initiative.
You can find registration information here.
About the Digital Living Lab Days
Digital Living Lab Days is the annual event organised by the European Network of Living Labs. The event offers a space or a platform for public officials, companies, entrepreneurs, academics, Living Lab representatives, and innovators to connect and work together: to create new products and services, to set the basis for debate and exploration of theories, and to discuss and process policy recommendations within the practical elements of open and user-driven innovation. Find out more at